Monday, 16 December 2024

The complete guide to buying a Dishwasher

Author- Vibhor Shergill 

After a long and tiring day at work, one wants to come home, have freshly prepared meal and after spending some time with family, one wishes to retire in bed for a peaceful and sound sleep. However, this serene idea of a perfect post-work scenario can easily turn into a nightmare when one finds uncleaned utensils of the previous day lying in the kitchen sink to be cleaned before any of those serene thoughts can be transformed into reality. This is when a dishwasher comes to the rescue.
Dishwashers are often considered as one of the five pillars that make a complete kitchen. On the foundation of these five pillars, an ideal kitchen is made. Those five pillars are:-
  • A gas stove
  • A refrigerator
  • A dishwasher
  • A kitchen chimney
  • A microwave oven
Though, one might tend to believe that house maids reduce the need of having a dishwasher, I would like to state two profound reasons as to why dishwashers still do not have a replacement:-
  • Flexibility. Most house maids tend to come for work once in the morning and once in the evening. However, the work timings of most of us do not allow us to accommodate such a provision, rendering the need of finding alternatives, absolutely necessary. One can load all the dirty utensils of the previous day in the dishwasher once in the morning before leaving for work and can peacefully enjoy the dinner after returning, without having to worry about manually cleaning the utensils.
  • Reduced cost. The money that one pays to a house maid for cleaning the utensils per year in one of the urban cities roughly translates to one-third of the price of a typical dishwasher. Doing the math further, in just three years one would be able to even out the entire cost of the dishwasher. Following which, one only needs to spend on the maintenance of the dishwasher which roughly translates to Rs 200 per month.
(Image of utensils being loaded in the dishwasher)

So, keeping the improved quality of life a dishwasher imparts into consideration, in this post, we will talk about everything related to dishwashers.

Now, if you are a frequent visitor to the posts on this blog, you might be probably aware that we take each topic from the grass root level and we will do the same with this post as well. We will begin with the basics first, understand how a dishwasher works, after that we will discuss about the different types of dishwashers that are available in the market, then we will move on to discuss how some brands cut costs and manufacture below par products that are very inefficient in cleaning the utensils and put you at risk of the diseases that are caused by bacteria that feed on dirty utensils and then we will proceed onto deciding which type of dishwasher would be the best for you, according to your needs.

You might be glad to know that my father works at a company that manufactures home appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, kitchen chimneys, washing machines etc. So at home, we frequently have a conversation about commercial appliances, what goes into making them, how brands try to do cost cutting etc.

Today, I'll try my best to pass on the knowledge that I have acquired from my father over the years, to you so as to help you make a good buying decision.

So without further a do, let’s begin…

A dishwasher begins the wash cycle by taking in water from the hose connected to the machine. Once an appropriate level of water is collected at the bottom of the dishwasher, the heating element present inside the dishwasher begins to warm the water. The need to warm the water arises as warm water is more effective than cold water in removing grease and grime from the utensils.

At the same time, appropriate amount of detergent is poured into the warm water from the detergent dispenser. An electric pump takes the solution of detergent and water and forces it through the pipes present at the top and the bottom of the dishwasher. The solution of detergent and water surges through the pipes and emerges in the form of a jet stream from the tiny holes present on the other end of the pipes.

(Image of dishes being washed inside the dishwasher)

The solution of detergent and water gets sprayed on the dirty utensils and it removes the food remains, grease, grime and stains from the utensils. A sieve is present at the bottom of the dishwasher which catches large bits of debris to prevent the dishwasher from jamming, while smaller bits and food remains simply flush down the drain. The solution of detergent and water eventually drips back into the pool below, where it is reheated, filtered and is then sent back to the pipes to emerge again from the tiny holes. At the end of the wash cycle, all of the water is drained out.

The quantity of water collected at the bottom of the dishwasher from the hose, the amount of detergent mixed with the water and the number of times the solution of detergent and water moves through the pipes and gets sprayed on the utensils depends upon the load of utensils present in the dishwasher and the corresponding wash program selected.

Now, having learnt about the basics, let us proceed to discuss which capacity/number of place settings of dishwasher should you go for depending upon your family requirements.

  • For a family consisting one-two individuals, deciding on a dishwasher with 8 place settings would make for a decent choice.
  • On the other hand, If there are three-four individuals in one's family and the food is cooked at home on majority of the days, a 12-13 place settings dishwasher would be sufficient to cater to the utensil wash requirements.
  • For a family having more than six individuals, a 14-16 place settings dishwasher would make for an ideal choice to cater to the utensil wash requirements.
Now having understood about the different capacities of dishwashers and which capacity of the dishwasher should find a place in your kitchen, let us proceed to discuss the ways in which some manufacturers try to cut manufacturing costs and maximize their own profits and in turn deliver a sub-standard product to the customers which are inefficient in cleaning the utensils and have a short shelf life.

  • Installing an inefficient electric pump. The electric pump is one of the most essential components of a dishwasher as it is responsible for spraying the jet of detergent solution along with water over the unclean utensils stacked in numerous compartments of the dishwasher. For its significance, the electric pump assembly accounts for almost 30% of the cost of the entire appliance. Hence it is one of the favourite areas of some brands to cut production costs and maximize profits. Those brands resort to installing a low-grade, inferior electric pump in the dishwasher that is very inefficient in gushing soapy water over the utensils with the necessary force and in adequate quantity. As a result, the utensils remain largely unclean with most of the grime remaining intact on their surface. This grime becomes a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria which may cause multiple food borne diseases.
  • Inner body of the Dishwasher. Inner body of the dishwasher is where all the cleansing processes take place. Thus, it should be made of high tensile strength stainless steel or galvanized iron to take up the beating of detergent solution and water. A sturdy inner body adds immensely to the production costs of the dishwasher. Therefore, in order to reduce costs and lure customers, some brands resort to making the outer body of the dishwasher attractive in appearance and constructing it using high-grade materials. However, the inner body, where the consumer does not pay much attention to becomes their area of cutting costs. Such brands tend to use low-grade, inferior quality materials in the fabrication of the interiors of a dishwasher. Hence, only in a few years time, the inner body begins to rust and corrode, thereby making it necessary for the consumer to get the dishwasher repaired or buy a new one.

Having learnt about how some dishwasher manufacturers cut costs, let us proceed to zero down on some of the best built dishwashers available in the market that are not only the best in cleaning the utensils but are also energy efficient in their working and offer the most value for money.

Eight place settings Dishwasher
Best Choice 1, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 2 and Best Choice 3

Twelve-Thirteen place settings Dishwasher
Best Choice 1, Best Choice 2, My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5 and Best Choice 6

Fourteen-Sixteen place settings Dishwasher
Best Choice 1, My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4
Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9 and Best Choice 10

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