Saturday, 2 November 2024

Product Recommendation - [Water Purifier]

In this post, we are providing at glance the products we consider to be some of the best offerings in the market in their respective categories. The products mentioned below have been put to rigorous tests, compared against the competing products from multiple brands, and have been analysed on various aspects pertaining to their intended use. For a comprehensive post on Water Purifiers, you may read our detailed guide -

Water Purifiers with 5-7L tank capacity
For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1
My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 2, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7, Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13, Best Choice 14 and Best Choice 15

Water Purifiers with 8-10L tank capacity
For Indian residents:-
Best Choice 1, Best Choice 2, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7, Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13, Best Choice 14 and Best Choice 15

Note: In our constant endeavour to assist you in making an informed buying decision, we test the new launches of the products on multiple parameters, and if they stand tall in our analysis we periodically add them to the below mentioned list of our recommended products. So, if you plan to make the purchase at a later time, you may visit the links once again at the very time of buying to ensure that the purchase turns out to be a very fruitful one.

Recapitulating on the most crucial aspects of buying a water purifier -


There is a rule of thumb to follow - take into consideration the number of members in one’s family. Depending upon that number, below is mentioned the capacity of the storage tank one should opt for in a water purifier that would accommodate one’s requirements -

    • For one-four family members, a water purifier with the storage tank capacity up to 7 litres would be adequate to cater to the requirements, considering apart from direct consumption of water, most of the food would be prepared at home with the water taken from water purifier.
    • For five-eight members, a water purifier with the storage tank capacity up to 10 litres would be adequate to cater to the water consumption and food preparation requirements.
    • For more than eight members, it would be wise to decide on a water purifier that comes installed with at least 12 litres capacity water storage tank.

It is imperative to be aware of the ways in which some manufacturers resort to cutting production costs in order to maximize profits and in turn deliver a sub-standard product to the customers, the components of which have a very short shelf life and may require frequent repairs/replacements.
    • Installing an inefficient and impotent semi-permeable layer in the reverse osmosis process. The cost of the semi-permeable membrane covers approximately 60% of the manufacturing cost of the RO water purifier and is thus the favorite equipment among the manufacturers to cut costs. Some brands (names not taken) install the membranes that are of no good use and almost all the pathogens in the untreated water gets to your throat. It is needless to say, what impact of this untreated water can have on one’s health. Majority of the water borne diseases like Cholera, Typhoid, Salmonella etc are contracted this way.
    • Build quality of the Booster Pump. Booster pump, also known as the motor of the water purifier is responsible for creating an environment for suction of water from inlet to the outlet through the various layers and filters of the water purifier. However, to save manufacturing costs, some brands resort to installing low-grade, inferior booster pump in the water purifiers they manufacture. As a result, the below-par booster pump is not able to push the water with enough pressure through the filters that results in low water flow rate and storage tank taking long periods of time to fill with purified water.
    • Installing pump motors that have an inefficient cooling system. Reverse osmosis is quite a taxing task and the pump motor that is responsible to force the water through the semi-permeable layer gets extremely warm during the process. What good manufacturers do is, they install a cooling system to it, known as heat sink which keeps the operating temperatures under check and ensures longevity of the motor. However, the other brands cost cut on this front and do not install a heat sink or even if they do, it is very inefficient. What this results in is requirement of repair or replacement of the pump motor frequently and thus the additional cost.

For an extensive buying guide on water purifiers, head over to our detailed post -

1 comment:

  1. Can u recommend a purifier which has stainless steel. storage along with other purifier modes?


Product Recommendation - [Air Conditioner]

In this post, we are providing at glance the products we consider to be some of the best offerings in the market in their respective categor...