Saturday 30 April 2022

Product Recommendation - [Laptop]

In this post, we are providing at glance the products we consider to be some of the best offerings in the market in their respective categories. The products mentioned below have been put to rigorous tests, compared against the competing products from various brands, and have been analysed on multiple aspects pertaining to their intended use. For a comprehensive post on Laptops, you may read our detailed guide -

Budget Laptops
For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10 and Best Choice 11

Programming and General purpose Laptops
For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, Best Choice 2My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9Best Choice 10 and Best Choice 11

Gaming Laptops
For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13 and Best Choice 14

Power user and Business Laptops
For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12 and Best Choice 13

Note: In our constant endeavour to assist you in making an informed buying decision, we test the new launches of the products on multiple parameters, and if they stand tall in our analysis we periodically add them to the below mentioned list of our recommended products. So, if you plan to make the purchase at a later time, you may visit the links once again at the very time of buying to ensure that the purchase turns out to be a very fruitful one.

Recapitulating on the most crucial aspects of buying a laptop -
  • CPU

The Processor of the laptop is its brain. Obviously, the better the CPU the more number of instructions it can handle at any given instant of time. Therefore, more potent the CPU, more performance one can derive out of it. However, this does not mean that everyone should buy an Intel i7 processor laptop. As a matter of fact, most people do not need a laptop with a CPU powerful than Intel i5. Intel i5 serves the sweet spot between powerful performance and decent battery life. The i7 processor is mostly suited to the needs of a 4K video editor or an intensive gamer. 

AMD Ryzen CPUs are another popular series of CPUs in the market and provide potent performance at a relatively lesser price, thereby offering great value for one’s money. They are particularly great in the sphere of gaming, video editing and multitasking. The AMD Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 CPUs are comparable to the i5 and i7 counterparts offered by Intel, respectively.

  • RAM
  • When one wishes to accomplish not so performance-intensive tasks like attending online lectures, taking notes, drafting e-mails, browsing the web, preparing a PPT/Word document, etc., it would be wise to decide on a laptop that comes installed with 4GB RAM
  • When in addition to performing the above stated tasks, one requires a laptop to run several workplace/programming related software, one has to do moderate multitasking by having few tasks opened side-by-side, or one wishes to perform basic photo/video editing, one should opt for a laptop that has at least 8GB of RAM
  • For extensive usage such as playing graphic and performance intensive games, or for running virtual machines, and even for professional photo/video editing that requires one to edit 4K photos and videos where one has to apply several effects and transitions, it would be wise to decide on a laptop with at least 16GB RAM.
  • Type of Storage
When deciding on a laptop, it is imperative to note that the generation of the CPU or the amount of RAM are not the components that bring drastic changes in performance, it is the presence or absence of SSD that does. In case of SSD, when the user requests a file, the controller, also known as processor of an SSD has the exact addresses of the blocks where the specific data is written, and the data is almost instantly made available to the user. 
There’s no waiting for a read/write head to find the information it needs. SSD access times are thus measured in nanoseconds. This results in potent performance, which is evident from the fact that SSDs have a read-write speed of up to 3500 MBps. There’s no waiting for a read/write head to find the information it needs. On the other hand, HDDs manage to provide read-write speed only in the range of 50–170 MBps.

For an extensive buying guide on laptops, head over to our detailed post -

A detailed guide to buying a new Laptop

Well, "Which laptop should I buy?" is one of those questions one certainly has to find answers for at least once in one's life. Choosing the perfect laptop for oneself is a task which is daunting and often stirs the minds of even the most informed technology/gadget lovers. The more you dig into options available at any price point, the more confusion steps in.

So, today I’ll try my best to answer this question with an unbiased mindset so as to resolve your confusion.
We'll start with the Windows PC first. After discussing what you should look for and what you should avoid while buying a Windows laptop, we'll discuss whether you should buy a Mac instead, depending upon your requirements, wherein we'll talk about what Mac does better than Windows and what are the areas where Windows shines more.


So, let’s start with the basics, without further a do.
Your need- This is the single most important factor that you need to cater to.
  1. Do you need a laptop for video editing or for app development or for web designing like I do or for any other purposes?
  2. Do you want a laptop that is portable and light in weight and easy to carry or you have a desk job and are in need of a larger screen real estate and are not much concerned about portability?
Having decided on the need front, let's take a look at what essential hardware you should aim for that gives you an unmatched performance.

The Hardware- This is the building block of your laptop and you surely would want a solid hardware that can interact with the software to give you a good performance.
For a powerful performance, I’d suggest you to invest in a laptop that offers you all of these hardware components listed below, if you want to future-proof your laptop for at least 5–6 years.
  • CPU

The Processor of the laptop is its brain. Obviously, the better the CPU the more number of instructions it can handle at any given instant of time. Therefore, more potent the CPU, more performance one can derive out of it. However, this does not mean that everyone should buy an Intel i7 processor laptop. As a matter of fact, most people do not need a laptop with a CPU powerful than Intel i5. Intel i5 serves the sweet spot between powerful performance and decent battery life. The i7 processor is mostly suited to the needs of a 4K video editor or an intensive gamer. 

AMD Ryzen CPUs are another popular series of CPUs in the market and provide potent performance at a relatively lesser price, thereby offering great value for one’s money. They are particularly great in the sphere of gaming, video editing and multitasking. The AMD Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 CPUs are comparable to the i5 and i7 counterparts offered by Intel, respectively.

  • RAM
  • When one wishes to accomplish not so performance-intensive tasks like attending online lectures, taking notes, drafting e-mails, browsing the web, preparing a PPT/Word document, etc., it would be wise to decide on a laptop that comes installed with 4GB RAM
  • When in addition to performing the above stated tasks, one requires a laptop to run several workplace/programming related software, one has to do moderate multitasking by having few tasks opened side-by-side, or one wishes to perform basic photo/video editing, one should opt for a laptop that has at least 8GB of RAM
  • For extensive usage such as playing graphic and performance intensive games, or for running virtual machines, and even for professional photo/video editing that requires one to edit 4K photos and videos where one has to apply several effects and transitions, it would be wise to decide on a laptop with at least 16GB RAM.
  • Cache memory. This is one of the most overlooked hardware component when comparing the specifications of two laptops. Cache serves a very VERY important purpose in determining the performance of the laptop. Cache helps to keeps your browser tabs in memory, it keeps your programs running in the background, so that you don’t have to refresh them every time you visit them after a while. 
  • A dedicated graphics card. Preferably NVIDIA GeForce 940MX or above if you are keen on performing graphics intensive tasks like photo and video editing.
  • Type of Storage. When deciding on a laptop, it is imperative to note that the generation of the CPU or the amount of RAM are not the components that bring drastic changes in performance, it is the presence or absence of SSD that does. In case of SSD, when the user requests a file, the controller, also known as processor of an SSD has the exact addresses of the blocks where the specific data is written, and the data is almost instantly made available to the user. There’s no waiting for a read/write head to find the information it needs. SSD access times are thus measured in nanoseconds. This results in potent performance, which is evident from the fact that SSDs have a read-write speed of up to 3500 MBps. There’s no waiting for a read/write head to find the information it needs. On the other hand, HDDs manage to provide read-write speed only in the range of 50–170 MBps.

  • At least a 4 cell battery. The more the number of cells, the better is the battery performance and also lesser will be the wattage consumption.
  • Solidly built chassis. This is the most overlooked feature and hence also the area where most manufacturers cut costs. Choose laptops built by some of the popular manufacturers, i.e. Dell, Apple, HP, Asus. These brands are more focused on consumer satisfaction than on filling their own pockets.

Now, having discussed the specifications one should look for in a laptop when considering to buy one, let us proceed to learn some of the ways by which some brands loot the money of their customers by selling them a laptop with unnecessary/gimmicky features and how one can save some money by deciding to not opt for those features in a laptop -

    • A low clock speed CPU - Clock speed of the CPU influences the number of instructions it can retrieve and interpret at any given point of time. Thus, the higher the clock speed, the better would be the instruction handling prowess of the CPU.
    • 4K display - On small screens such as that of laptops, 4K display does not alter viewing experience much. Additionally, 4K screens drain a lot of battery. 4K displays find their best use in TVs and large screen-size monitors.
    • Pre-installed anti-virus software - Factory fitted Windows Defender does a decent job in removing most of the malware. If one still requires a third-party anti-virus software, one can obtain it at economical prices later on.
    • Fingerprint/Face unlock - This functionality finds its best use in mobile phones that are to be locked and unlocked hundreds of times a day. Whereas, a laptop that is to be put in Sleep/Hibernate/Shut Down mode hardly once or twice a day, entering a password is a better alternative.
      Now, the obvious question in your mind would be, how do I have such a deep insight about these things. Well, to answer your question, I’d say that I have always been a technology fanatic and also am currently working as a web developer which requires one to have a highly capable laptop and this is my work experience in the tech. industry and the extensive research that I have done over the past several months for purchasing a laptop for myself that I am writing here.

      Having said that, I’d like to give you the best options you can have at various price points that are available in the market right now.

      Budget Laptops
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10 and Best Choice 11

      Programming and General purpose Laptops
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, Best Choice 2My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9Best Choice 10 and Best Choice 11

      Gaming Laptops
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13 and Best Choice 14

      Power user and Business Laptops
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12 and Best Choice 13

      Now, let's talk about the Apple Mac.
      See, both the major operating systems i.e., Windows and Mac are world class and are the most stable OSs in the market currently but they both have their own virtues and vices.
      So before I dig further, I’d like you to ponder upon these questions in your mind:
      • Do you work in an environment where all the gadgets are of the brand Apple i.e. do you work or live in an environment where you make extensive use of iPhone, iPad, Apple TV?
      • Are you a person who invests most of his time on computer in doing activities like video and photo editing, OR are you the one who spends most of his time on Word file or PDF file creation and occasional PPTs or any other task of similar CPU or GPU load?
      • Are you the one who likes to tinker around with your computer and customize it as per your needs? OR Are you the one who want something that is well designed by the manufacturers themselves so that you don’t have to tweak with it much and focus on just getting the job done?
      I hope you have answered the above questions in your mind. Now, I would like to have your attention
      Do you work in an environment where all the gadgets are of the brand Apple i.e. do you work or live in an environment where you make extensive use of iPhone, iPad, Apple TV ?
      If you answered YES to the above question, then my dear friend, go for a Mac without having a second thought in your mind. Really, Apple environment will make your productivity increase manifold times. I say this because Apple OS have a feature that allows you to pick up what you left on one Apple device in the same state in an another Apple device. This feature has to be turned ON on all devices and its name is Handoff.

      Image result for handoff mac
      (Image of the Handoff functionality offered in Apple devices)

      Are you a person who invests most of his time on computer in doing activities like video and photo editing, or are you the one who spends most of his time on Word file or PDF file creation and occasional PPTs or any other task of similar CPU or GPU load?
      If you answered YES to the first part of the above question then the MacBook Pro should be your buying choice hands down as MacBooks have one of the best hardware and software integration which is needed to run graphic as well as processor intensive programs like video and photo editors. BUT if you resonated more with the second part of the question then you’ll do just fine with an i5 processor Windows PC and thereby saving several hundred bucks which you can invest in buying a Porsche (if you don’t already have one). *Just Kidding* 
      Are you the one who likes to tinker around with your computer and customize it as per your needs? OR Are you the one who want something that is well designed by the manufacturers themselves so that you don’t have to tweak with it much and focus on just getting the job done?
      Now, answer to this question will probably most influence your buying decision. So if you replied in positive to the first half of the question, go get a Windows PC without wasting much time. I say this because Windows is known for its customizability and ease of use. AND if you are more towards the second side of the spectrum where your main motive is getting the task at hand done, pick up a Mac without a second thought. Believe me, it’s REALLY THAT GOOD !
      Having spent 8 years in the tech. industry thus far and having designed webpapps for both Windows and Mac, I have formed pretty good view of which product in the market is worth your time and money and which is not.
      Having stated that, I would like to zero down on just two MacBooks that offer the most bang for the buck, here they are:-
      For Indian residents:- Apple MacBook AirApple MacBook Pro
      If you are in the market for rather an iMacthen this is the only product that is actually worth your money, according to my experience:- Apple iMac

      I hope I could save you some money and have helped you in making an informed decision.

      Saturday 9 April 2022

      Product Recommendation - [Kitchen Chimney]

      In this post, we are providing at glance the products we consider to be some of the best offerings in the market in their respective categories. The products mentioned below have been put to rigorous tests, compared against the competing products from multiple brands, and have been analysed on various aspects pertaining to their intended use. For a comprehensive post on Kitchen Chimneys, you may read our detailed guide -
      Note: In our constant endeavour to assist you in making an informed buying decision, we test the new launches of the products on multiple parameters, and if they stand tall in our analysis we periodically add them to the below mentioned list of our recommended products. So, if you plan to make the purchase at a later time, you may visit the links once again at the very time of buying to ensure that the purchase turns out to be a very fruitful one.

      Recapitulating on the most crucial aspects of buying a kitchen chimney -
      Suction power is the capacity of the motor to suck oil particles and odor from the air. It is measured in cubic metre per hour. For Indian kitchen a chimney with higher air suction capacity is ideal. For frequent cooking, the range should be between 500 cubic metre/hr to 1000 cubic metre/hr depending on the size of your kitchen. The chimneys with a long hose have generally more suction power.

      Also the capacity of the chimney to expel the impure air via the PVC pipes depend upon the number of bends/turns that are there in the pipe. If your chimney is installed in a place where the bends of the pipes is more than three, go with at least a 750 cubic metre/hour suction capacity for efficient cleansing operation.


        • Baffle filter - This is one of the most commonly used filter in modern day chimneys. This filter is made up of multiple layers of curved stainless steel panels. The air sucked in via the chimney passes through these multiple curved layers thereby trapping all the oil and grease. The quantity of dirt, grime and oil in the sucked air do not alter the suction power or noise produced by the chimney. Furthermore, these require less frequent cleaning - typically once a month, and the filters require replacement only in about two years.
        • Cassette filter - This filter is also called as mesh filter and is made up of several layers of alluminium mesh consisting of tiny holes. These holes separate the oil and grime from the sucked air and the relatively cleaner air is passed through the PVC pipes to be expelled from the home. Chimneys installed with Cassette filter are generally more economical to own, however, they tend to produce more noise than the ones with baffle filter. Moreover, the filters require to be cleaned in about every two weeks of regular use, and require replacement in about a year and a half.
        • Auto Clean(Filterless) - Such chimneys are equipped with Aluminum non-stick turbine blower through which cooking fumes pass. Due to centrifugal forces, oil particles are forced to move toward blower wall and collected in easy to remove and washable collector/bowls. These detachable oil collector requires to be washed once a month, depending on usage. Filterless chimneys facilitate the least noisy experience of them all. But, the chimneys with baffle/cassette filter fare slightly better in homes that make use of generous quantities of oil and spices.

      For an extensive buying guide on kitchen chimneys, head over to our detailed post -

      A detailed guide to buying a Kitchen Chimney

      India is known as the land of spices and we take great pride in revealing that “my wife is the best cook of the world” or “you’d forget the taste of a 5 star hotel food after tasting the food that my mom cooks at home”. Undoubtedly, all these claims are cent percent correct otherwise why would one find Indian street food stalls in every corner of the world.

      Now, as much effort and knowledge of spices is required to cook a finger licking dish, so are the pains to get rid of the grime collected on the kitchen tiles and fans and also the smoke from the home after a frying or a grilling session. Cleaning the kitchen after preparing a meal is a very cumbersome task as it is extremely difficult to get rid of the grime and the oil collected on the kitchen slabs, cabinets and tiles manually.

      What can be the best solution to the problem?
      Well, the solution is to not let the grime and oil to accumulate in the first place. And, this is when a chimney comes to the rescue.
      Now, if you are a frequent visitor to the posts on this blog, you might be probably aware that we take each topic from the grass root level and we’ll do the same with this post as well. We’ll begin with the basics first, understand how the chimney works, after that we’ll discuss about the various filters deployed in chimneys for the purification process along with their pros and cons, then we’ll discuss the types of chimneys available in the market, then we’ll move on to discuss how some brands put the consumers at health risks by using below par components in the chimneys and then proceed onto deciding which type of chimney would be the best for you, according to your needs.

      You might be glad to know that my father works at a company that manufactures home appliances like geysers, washing machines, refrigerators, water purifiers etc. So at home, we frequently have a conversation about commercial appliances, what goes into making them, how brands try to do cost cutting etc.
      Today, I'll try my best to pass on the knowledge that I have acquired from my father over the years, to you so as to help you make a good decision.

      So without further a do, let’s begin…

      The Basics
      A kitchen chimney sucks the greasy and oily air from your kitchen. The various filters fitted inside the chimney that trap the oil and heat and fumes from that air and then either expel the air out of your home or the purified and odor free air is sent back to your kitchen depending upon the installation type of chimney.
      On the basis of installation type, the chimneys can be classified into two broad categories:-
      1. Extracting
      2. Recycling
      Extracting chimney- This category of chimneys suck the oily and greasy air from your kitchen. The air on passing through a series of filters, each installed for a specific purpose gets purified and is thrown out of the home via large diameter PVC pipes. This type of chimney is also known as ducted chimney.

      Recycling chimney- This category of chimneys is similar to the extracting one except for the fact that the clean air obtained by filtration is passed back to your kitchen. This type of chimney is also known as ductless chimney.

      In India, most of the chimneys you would find fall into the first category.

      Now, having learnt the basics, we’ll proceed to learn about the various filters that are deployed in chimneys that remove the oil and other greasy and harmful elements:-
      • Baffle filter - This is one of the most commonly used filter in modern day chimneys. This filter is made up of multiple layers of curved stainless steel panels. The air sucked in via the chimney passes through these multiple curved layers thereby trapping all the oil and grease. The quantity of dirt, grime and oil in the sucked air do not alter the suction power or noise produced by the chimney. Furthermore, these require less frequent cleaning - typically once a month, and the filters require replacement only in about two years.
      (Picture of the Baffle filter)
      • Cassette filter - This filter is also called as mesh filter and is made up of several layers of alluminium mesh consisting of tiny holes. These holes separate the oil and grime from the sucked air and the relatively cleaner air is passed through the PVC pipes to be expelled from the home. Chimneys installed with Cassette filter are generally more economical to own, however, they tend to produce more noise than the ones with baffle filter. Moreover, the filters require to be cleaned in about every two weeks of regular use, and require replacement in about a year and a half.
      (Picture of the Cassette filter)
      • Auto Clean(Filterless) - Such chimneys are equipped with Aluminum non-stick turbine blower through which cooking fumes pass. Due to centrifugal forces, oil particles are forced to move toward blower wall and collected in easy to remove and washable collector/bowls. These detachable oil collector requires to be washed once a month, depending on usage. Filterless chimneys facilitate the least noisy experience of them all. But, the chimneys with baffle/cassette filter fare slightly better in homes that make use of generous quantities of oil and spices.
      Having discussed the various types of filters, we’ll discuss the types of chimneys available in the market on the basis of their hoods/place of installation.
      On the basis of the place of installation, the chimneys can be classified into four broad categories:-
      • Wall mounted chimneyThis is the most common hood among the others and the most commonly available configuration in homes around the world. They are fixed onto the wall and the hood hangs above the stove. It comes in various styles and designs.
      • Island chimneyIt is required when your cooking platform is in the middle of your kitchen as it helps two people to cook together standing both sides of the platform. They are for the counter-top cooking ranges and gas stoves. It is an ideal choice for hobs with western styled counters. They are fixed on the ceiling and seem like hanging from nowhere.
      • Built in chimneyThey remain concealed behind or under the cabinets and blend with the tapestry of the kitchen. This type of chimney is not very common and is generally suggested by an interior designer to give an ultra modern look to your kitchen.
      (Picture of an Island Chimney)

      The next aspect one must be aware of when choosing a chimney for your kitchen is the suction capacity required for proper operation:-
      • Suction Capacity
      Suction power is the capacity of the motor to suck oil particles and odor from the air. It is measured in cubic metre per hour. For Indian kitchen a chimney with higher air suction capacity is ideal. For frequent cooking, the range should be between 500 cubic metre/hr to 1000 cubic metre/hr depending on the size of your kitchen. The chimneys with a long hose have generally more suction power.

      Also the capacity of the chimney to expel the impure air via the PVC pipes depend upon the number of bends/turns that are there in the pipe. If your chimney is installed in a place where the bends of the pipes is more than three, go with at least a 750 cubic metre/hour suction capacity for efficient cleansing operation.

      Now, we proceed on to learn the tactics some brands use to cut manufacturing costs and thus posing a threat to the lives of the consumers.

      • Using a low grade suction motorSuction motor is one of the main components of a chimney as it is responsible for pulling out the smoke and fumes liberated during cooking process towards the filter of the chimney and its prowess is determined by its wattage. For its paramount significance, the suction motor accounts for almost 30% of the entire cost of the unit.

        This provides some brands a perfect opportunity to reduce production costs and maximize profits. They resort to using a below-par suction motor that is not potent enough to throw out smoke and fumes vigorously. As a result, the chimney needs to be kept running for longer periods of time, thereby causing the electric motor to get extremely hot. Metals expand on heating which causes the copper windings in the motor to initially distort and then finally melt, thereby leaving the chimney out of operation.

      • Using a below par filter. By now you have learnt how different types of filters can be used to purify the air. What some brands do is, they deploy poorly built, cheap filters that are not very potent in separating the oil, dirt and fumes from the sucked in air and thus most of the fumes remain in your kitchen itself thus causing various breathing issues and lung related diseases.
      Having said that, let’s proceed to zero down at some of the best built kitchen chimneys of few good brands in various suction capacity ranges that are not only efficient at their work but also provide the best value for your money.

      Note: In our constant endeavour to assist you in making an informed buying decision, we test the new launches of the products on multiple parameters, and if they stand tall in our analysis we periodically add them to the below mentioned list of our recommended products. So, if you plan to make the purchase at a later time, you may visit the links once again at the very time of buying to ensure that the purchase turns out to be a very fruitful one.

      Suction capacity 500 cubic metre/hour to 1000 cubic metre/hour
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1Best Choice 2My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13Best Choice 14 and Best Choice 15

      Suction capacity 1000 cubic metre/hour upwards
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 2, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13, Best Choice 14, Best Choice 15Best Choice 16Best Choice 17 and Best Choice 18

      Sunday 3 April 2022

      Product Recommendation - [Computer Monitor]

      In this post, we are providing at glance the products we consider to be some of the best offerings in the market in their respective categories. The products mentioned below have been put to rigorous tests, compared against the competing products from multiple brands, and have been analysed on various aspects pertaining to their intended use. For a comprehensive post on Computer Monitors, you may read our detailed guide -

      Screen size up to 24 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 2, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7, Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13Best Choice 14, Best Choice 15, Best Choice 16 and Best Choice 17

      Screen size between 24 and 27 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, Best Choice 2, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7, Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13, Best Choice 14, Best Choice 15, Best Choice 16, Best Choice 17, Best Choice 18 and Best Choice 19

      Screen size beyond 27 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1, My Preferred Choice, Best Choice 2, Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5, Best Choice 6, Best Choice 7, Best Choice 8, Best Choice 9, Best Choice 10, Best Choice 11, Best Choice 12, Best Choice 13, Best Choice 14, Best Choice 15 and Best Choice 16

      Note: In our constant endeavour to assist you in making an informed buying decision, we test the new launches of the products on multiple parameters, and if they stand tall in our analysis we periodically add them to the below mentioned list of our recommended products. So, if you plan to make the purchase at a later time, you may visit the links once again at the very time of buying to ensure that the purchase turns out to be a very fruitful one.

      Recapitulating on the most crucial aspects of buying a computer monitor -


      Screen size plays a pivotal role in helping decide the monitor to opt for. Measured diagonally from one corner to the opposite one, screen size dictates the amount of screen real estate one has to work with. The screen size suitable for a person depends majorly on two factors - one’s requirements/preferences and the distance one would be seated from the monitor.

        • When one is to sit relatively close to the screen, say, 1 feet, it would be wise to decide on a monitor having screen size up to 24 inches. With this arrangement, one’s eyes and neck would not experience fatigue even during long usage sessions as the entire screen would be visible in one’s field of vision at once, thus there would be minimal movement of the neck back and forth.
        • If one’s monitor is to sit slightly farther, i.e., the distance between the user and the monitor would be about 1.5–2 feet, it is imperative to decide on a monitor with screen size in the range of 24 to 27 inches. It is vital to note that in larger screen sizes, multiple windows can be stacked side-by-side for enhanced productivity.
        • In settings where the viewing distance is more than 2 feet, deciding on a monitor with screen size greater than 27 inches would be an ideal choice.

      Note:- Some monitor models are ultra-wide in nature, i.e., they are designed to capitalize on the 21:9 aspect ratio. The extra horizontal screen space ~ 33% makes it easy to work with two or more windows stacked next to each other. Such form factor is a boon for multi-tasking and for content creation where dragging and dropping images/video clips/text from one window to other is to be done often.


      It is imperative to be aware of the ways in which some manufacturers resort to cutting production costs in order to maximize profits and in turn deliver a sub-standard product to the customers, the components of which have a very short shelf life and may require frequent repairs/replacements.

        • Dead pixels in the display. As learnt before, display panel of a monitor comprises of millions of individual pixels that light up when voltage is applied to them, producing such displays require deployment of precision production line, procurement of high-grade materials, carefully designing the power supply to power every pixel on the panel as well as hiring skilled workforce - all of which add to the cost of production. Thus to keep costs low, some brands tend to install a shoddily manufactured display panel in the monitors they produce. A pixels/cluster of pixels in such monitors often do not receive the power supply causing that region to not light up and display content, and rather remain permanently black. Such an occurrence can significantly hampers one’s productivity because to avoid the region where the dead pixels are, one would need to constantly scroll the page so as to make the text intelligible.
        • Substandard backlight source. The monitor’s LCD display is made up of two glass panels connected to each other and a backlight - a fluorescent bulb or LEDs located behind those panels. The backlight is projected on those glasses where the liquid crystals align in a manner that allow or block the light to pass through depending upon the demand of individual frames. For its paramount significance, backlight source accounts for about 40% of the entire cost of the monitor. Thus to reduce production costs, some brands tend to install below-par, inferior grade backlight in the monitors they produce. Once the source of backlight begins losing its luminance, the content displayed on the screen starts appearing faded and colours washed out along with massive reduction in display brightness. Going by approximate calculations, those brands fit the appropriate light source that would last for almost as long as the product is covered under warranty. Once the product goes out of warranty, all the charges of repairs/replacement of parts are to be borne by the customer thus giving recurring profits to those manufacturers.

      For an extensive buying guide on computer monitors, head over to our detailed post -

      A detailed guide to buying a Computer Monitor

      When the word ‘computer setup’ comes to mind, images of a big boxy desktop CPU case with all the necessary components stacked in along with web of tangled power cables/connectors, certainly crop up. Along with that, peripherals such as a mouse, a keyboard, and a display monitor kept on a desk, too form a large portion of our imagination. And while one may substitute a desktop setup with a laptop depending upon one’s preferences and lifestyle, there isn’t an equally productive substitute to the peripheral devices, especially a large display size monitor.

      Now, with the current surge in hiring of I-T employees to cater to the requirement of businesses wishing to have a dominant presence online and the prevalent Work-from-Home culture, one thing has happened for sure - majority of people are spending most part of their days glued to their relatively tiny laptop screens developing and managing websites, attending meetings, working on new features to be implemented in an app, creating PPTs about the revenue forecast of their companies, etc. While our minds and bodies may be settling into the ‘new normal’, our eyes are constantly taking a hit by focusing on small text displayed on our relatively puny laptop screens and mobile phones all day.

      While our jobs can definitely not be completed without requiring the use of a computing device, our eyes should certainly be spared the horror as well. Well, there should be a middle ground, and luckily it turns out that there is one too - connecting the laptop to a relatively large screen sized monitor... And, today we will talk about monitors down to the last detail.

      Now, if you are a frequent visitor to the posts on this blog, you might be probably aware that we take each topic from the grass root level and we will do the same with this post as well. We will begin with the basics first, we will learn about the different display technologies the monitors come available with along with the strengths and shortcomings of each type, then we would proceed to gain insights on the display resolution - HD Ready, Full HD, 2K and 4K, the display panels of the monitors are configured in and which among them should one opt for as per one’s requirement. Following this, we would learn about refresh rates in context with the monitors and under which situations a user benefits by deciding on a monitor with one over the other. Next, we would analyse the optimal screen size one should decide a monitor in, keeping the viewing distance and one’s intended purpose of use in consideration. Post this, we would discuss about the ways in which some manufacturers cut production costs to enhance profits and in turn manufacture below-par monitors, the crucial components of which often fail only after a few months of use. The repair costs can mount considerably, thus profiting the manufacturers further. Then, we will move onto zeroing in on some of the best monitors available in the market that not only offer great better picture quality, but are also built using durable components, thereby offering great value for one’s money.

      So without further ado, let’s begin.

      Going by its basic definition, a monitor is an output device that interprets the graphical output signal from the graphics card of one’s computer and displays the information in pictorial or text form. Monitors are manufactured to suit the tastes and requirements of every kind of user - from a hardcore gamer to someone who prefers to have multiple windows open side-by-side, from a movie buff to someone who is a professional photo/video editor, etc. Every such use case requires a specific type of a monitor. Thus, on the basis of the purpose they solve and their hardware configuration, monitors are classified on the basis of the following parameters -


      The kind of colour accuracy, the contrast ratio, the response time, the refresh rate, the viewing angles one can expect out of one’s monitor is primarily driven by the type of display technology its panel utilizes. Most modern LCD monitors operate on any one of the below mentioned display technologies -

      • TN - It stands for ‘Twisted Nematics’, which is an effect that allows liquid crystal molecules to be controlled with voltage. The greatest advantage of such panels is their refresh rates, i.e., the number of times the display is able to draw a new image per second, and the response times, i.e., the amount of time taken for an LCD pixel to change, say from red to green. The faster the response time, the more responsive the image updates and better is the viewing experience. Typically, TN panels are capable of producing refresh rates upwards of 120Hz and their response times can be as low as 1ms. For the above two qualities, TN panels are a boon for gamers.

      While refresh rates and response times are two qualities that TN panels stand tall upon, aspects like colour reproduction, viewing angles are its Achilles’ heel. TN panels tend to display the content the best when viewed from dead centre. Its colors tend to invert almost completely when the screen is viewed from an extreme angle, although in the recent years, TN panels have demonstrated tremendous improvement in this department. Another aspect where TN panels fall slightly short when compared to other display technologies is in terms of contrast ratio, with an entry-level TN panel sitting between 700:1 and 900:1 and good panels pushing only up to the 1000:1 mark. Higher contrast ratio ensures that the images appear more immersive and the text is easily visible even from a distance.

      • IPS - IPS stands for ‘In-Plane Switching’ and is designed to overcome TN's shortcomings as a display technology. IPS panels also use liquid crystals but are designed to overcome the minor shortcomings of TN panels. IPS panels typically use 8-bit depth per color instead of TN's 6-bit, resulting in a full 256 shades to draw upon for each color, resulting in accurate colour reproduction with eye popping colours. In fact, most IPS panels are able to cover the entire RGB colour gamut. The entry-level ones tend to offer 95% sRGB coverage, while the majority stick to full sRGB coverage. Then with high-end displays, usually for professionals, it’s not unusual to see full DCI-P3 and Adobe RGB coverage. Furthermore, viewing angles imparted by these panels are phenomenal. The images appear vibrant and text adequately sharp even when viewed from an angle above 45°. These high-performance facets allow the LCD panels to be widely used for programming, graphic intensive applications including photo/video editing.

      However, a minor niggle with IPS panels arises from the fact that they too offer contrast ratios of up to 1000:1 and fall slightly behind TN panels in terms of refresh rates and response times, with most IPS panels supporting refresh rates up to 60 Hz and response times upwards of 3 ms. Though these shortcomings are barely discernible to an average user who generally performs day-to-day tasks such as browsing the web, reading e-mails, creating PPTs and attending virtual meetings, a specific user base - the gamers would find their needs better met by a TN panel.

      • VA - It stands for ‘Vertical Alignment’ and such panels are designed to act as a decent middle ground between TN and IPS panels. VA based monitors combine the advantages of both IPS and TN panels. When compared to IPS display panels, VA panels typically offer higher refresh rates comparable to those of TN panels, therefore the window transitions, scrolling, movement of mouse cursor appear more natural and true to life. And, by borrowing the qualities of IPS displays, VA panels are able to produce vivid colors and an overall commendable picture quality. A distinct advantage of VA panels arises from their ability to achieve contrast ratio several times higher than both IPS and TN panels, typically up to 4500:1. The result - eye strain and fatigue is reduced, one can differentiate between different shades of black, even in darker rooms, text appears sharp, pictures feel more immersive.

      While VA panels tick almost all the right boxes, the aspect of viewing angle is something they fall shortly behind at when compared to IPS panels, however VA panels definitely fare better in viewing angles when put against TN panels. To have the best experience, viewing the screen from off-centre angles is generally not advisable.

      Now, having discussed the various types of display technologies that one can choose to have a monitor based upon, let us examine the different display resolutions one can find in a monitor -


      Display resolution is measured by the number of pixels contained on a display screen. It is expressed in terms of number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number of pixels on the vertical axis. The sharpness of an image depends upon the resolution and size of the display screen.
      For the same pixel resolution, an image will appear sharper on a small screen and would gradually lose its sharpness as the size of the display screen is increased. Therefore, as a rule of thumb, the bigger the display screen, the higher should be the display resolution to facilitate pleasurable viewing experience.

      Display resolution is denoted as ‘A x B’, where A denotes the number of pixels along the width of the display screen and B denotes the number of pixels along the height of the display screen. The product of A and B gives the total number of pixels in the screen.

      Now, the display resolutions one can find in a monitor are:-

      • HD Ready. This display resolution is commonly seen in entry level monitors and the number of pixels along the width and the height of the screen are 1280 x 720. Another pixel configuration that comes under the umbrella of HD Ready resolution is 1366 x 768. HD Ready resolution is often known by the numeric name 720p.
      • Full HD. Full HD display resolution has 1920 pixels along its width and 1080 pixels along its height, i.e. 1920 x 1080 pixels. The numeric name for Full HD resolution is 1080p. For everyday use such as reading e-mails, taking online classes, browsing the web, attending meetings, etc., this display resolution gets the job done pretty well.
      • QHD. QHD stands for ‘Quad High definition’ and constitutes to a display resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels - or four times that of 720p, hence the name. The numeric name for QHD resolution is 2K and it is also labelled as 1440p. QHD resolution is generally catered towards gaming enthusiasts as, in most cases this display resolution is available with fast refresh rate configuration - a boon for gamers. Another user base, monitors with QHD resolution has is that of software developers.  
      • Ultra HD. Ultra HD resolution is generally found in premium monitors. The number of pixels along the width and the height of the screen are 3840 x 2160. The numeric name for Ultra HD resolution is 4K as these display screens have four times the number of pixels found in Full HD displays. Creative professionals like graphic designers, photo/video editors and movie enthusiasts would benefit the most from this display resolution.

      Now, let us proceed to discuss another crucial attribute about monitors that majorly dictates - the refresh rates


      The refresh rate of a monitor refers to how many times per second the display is able to draw a new image. This is measured in Hertz (Hz). For example, if a monitor has a refresh rate of 144Hz, it is refreshing the image 144 times per second. When paired with the high frame rates produced by a GPU and CPU working together, this can result in a smoother experience and potentially higher FPS. It is imperative to note that the monitor can only display an image at the rate the system produces it, so it is necessary that the CPU and GPU of one’s computer are capable of completing this process quickly. If the CPU and GPU are incapable of supplying the monitor with a sufficiently high number of frames then the monitor won’t produce a high-refresh rate image regardless of how good its specs are.

      To gain further clarity on the same, let us take an illustration - majority of Hollywood movies are shot and produced at 24 frames per second(FPS). So even a 60Hz monitor will play that back smoothly with ease. Opting for a 120Hz or even faster monitor will provide no visible benefit to playback quality.

      Now, to decide on the refresh rate one should opt a monitor with, there is a rule of thumb -

      • If one is considering a monitor primarily for performing tasks that would not necessarily benefit from faster inputs such as browsing the web, checking e-mails, watching movies, taking online classes, writing code, attending meetings, editing photos/videos, etc., deciding on a 60Hz or a 75Hz monitor would make for an ideal choice.
      • In scenarios when one is considering to perform graphic intensive tasks such as playing high-end games where fast inputs are vital to winning and in games with competitive fighters or shooters, it is imperative to decide on a monitor that supports refresh rate upwards of 120Hz. Other settings in which one would greatly benefit from the fast refresh rates are running 3D simulations, designing on AutoCAD.

      Now having discussed about the aspect of refresh rates in detail, let us proceed to talk about the screen size one should opt a monitor with to cater to one’s requirements -


      Screen size plays a pivotal role in helping decide the monitor to opt for. Measured diagonally from one corner to the opposite one, screen size dictates the amount of screen real estate one has to work with. The screen size suitable for a person depends majorly on two factors - one’s requirements/preferences and the distance one would be seated from the monitor.

      • When one is to sit relatively close to the screen, say, 1 feet, it would be wise to decide on a monitor having screen size up to 24 inches. With this arrangement, one’s eyes and neck would not experience fatigue even during long usage sessions as the entire screen would be visible in one’s field of vision at once, thus there would be minimal movement of the neck back and forth.
      • If one’s monitor is to sit slightly farther, i.e., the distance between the user and the monitor would be about 1.5–2 feet, it is imperative to decide on a monitor with screen size in the range of 24 to 27 inches. It is vital to note that in larger screen sizes, multiple windows can be stacked side-by-side for enhanced productivity.
      • In settings where the viewing distance is more than 2 feet, deciding on a monitor with screen size greater than 27 inches would be an ideal choice.

      Note:- Some monitor models are ultra-wide in nature, i.e., they are designed to capitalize on the 21:9 aspect ratio. The extra horizontal screen space ~ 33% makes it easy to work with two or more windows stacked next to each other. Such form factor is a boon for multi-tasking and for content creation where dragging and dropping images/video clips/text from one window to other is to be done often.

      Now, having learnt about the various screen sizes monitors are produced in and based upon the viewing distance and usage preferences which configuration should one opt for, let us proceed to gain knowledge about the ways by which some manufacturers try to cut production costs and maximize their profits and in turn deliver a sub-standard product to the customers the components of which often fails only after a few months of use and such monitors generally tend to have a fairly short shelf life.


      • Dead pixels in the display. As learnt before, display panel of a monitor comprises of millions of individual pixels that light up when voltage is applied to them, producing such displays require deployment of precision production line, procurement of high-grade materials, carefully designing the power supply to power every pixel on the panel as well as hiring skilled workforce - all of which add to the cost of production. Thus to keep costs low, some brands tend to install a shoddily manufactured display panel in the monitors they produce. A pixels/cluster of pixels in such monitors often do not receive the power supply causing that region to not light up and display content, and rather remain permanently black. Such an occurrence can significantly hampers one’s productivity because to avoid the region where the dead pixels are, one would need to constantly scroll the page so as to make the text intelligible.
      • Substandard backlight source. The monitor’s LCD display is made up of two glass panels connected to each other and a backlight - a fluorescent bulb or LEDs located behind those panels. The backlight is projected on those glasses where the liquid crystals align in a manner that allow or block the light to pass through depending upon the demand of individual frames. For its paramount significance, backlight source accounts for about 40% of the entire cost of the monitor. Thus to reduce production costs, some brands tend to install below-par, inferior grade backlight in the monitors they produce. Once the source of backlight begins losing its luminance, the content displayed on the screen starts appearing faded and colours washed out along with massive reduction in display brightness. Going by approximate calculations, those brands fit the appropriate light source that would last for almost as long as the product is covered under warranty. Once the product goes out of warranty, all the charges of repairs/replacement of parts are to be borne by the customer thus giving recurring profits to those manufacturers.

      Now, having gained insights on the ways some manufacturers cut production costs for their own good, let us proceed to zero in on some of the best monitors available in the market that not only offer superior display quality, thereby imparting a pleasurable viewing experience, but are also manufactured using durable, long-lasting components, hence offering great value for one’s money.

      Screen size up to 24 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3, Best Choice 4Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13Best Choice 14Best Choice 15Best Choice 16 and Best Choice 17

      Screen size between 24 and 27 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1Best Choice 2My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 3Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13Best Choice 14Best Choice 15Best Choice 16Best Choice 17Best Choice 18 and Best Choice 19

      Screen size beyond 27 inches
      For Indian residents:- Best Choice 1My Preferred ChoiceBest Choice 2Best Choice 3Best Choice 4, Best Choice 5Best Choice 6Best Choice 7Best Choice 8Best Choice 9Best Choice 10Best Choice 11Best Choice 12Best Choice 13Best Choice 14Best Choice 15 and Best Choice 16

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